In July 19-21 2016, the Chairperson of MOMODa FOUNDATION with his team visited the project area Gaibandha. The visit was scheduled with visiting implementing organizations, discussion over signing an agreement for upcoming projects with Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) and visiting the project areas. During his visit he had been companied with Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Postdoctoral fellow in the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), Paris and research fellow of MOMODa FOUNDATION; and other executive members; and RAs. In the first day of the visit in July 19, 2016 the team met with higher management of partner organizations and discussed over several general issues to make a fruitful affiliation. Early morning on the following day the team visited project areas and discussed with project participants about their current situation, the nature of support they are given presently or any alternative mode of support that can be the best suit for them. “Development approaches should be bottom-up rather top-down” he said during the discussion. The participants were very responsive and express their motivations in reply of Chairperson’s ask about their motivation and future plan. The next day he paid a visit to GUK in July 21, 2016 where a discussion between MOMODa Foundation and GUK happened for the upcoming project that is about to start from early August.