Neeti Zaman Bintee

Research Coordinator

Area of Expertise:  SurveyCTO (questionnaire design, server data management), Stata (Data cleaning, HFC check, Data management System, Data analysis), SurveySolutions (Designing questionnaire, downloading and managing server), ArcGIS (can handle any kind of projection tools, plotting GPS & indices, preparing index map and any kind of map), Microsoft Office (preparing infographics, presentation for donor call)

Joins MOMODa: 18/09/2022




Planner, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, KUET



1. Publication: “Impact of community masking on COVID-19: A cluster-randomized Trial in
Bangladesh”, published in Science Journal
Publication time: 2nd December 2021

2. Publication: “Normalizing Community Mask-Wearing: A Cluster Randomized Trial in
Bangladesh”, published at
Publication time: April 2021

3. Acknowledged at Yale Policy Brief for mapping COVID indices (using ArcGIS software)
Title of the paper: Using Migration Patterns to Predict COVID-19 Risk Exposure in
Developing Countries. Publication time: April 26, 2020

4. Publication: “A Speed Based Congestion Study of a Road Section Connecting Fulbarigate, Dakbangla, Khulna.”
Published at: International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6
(Nov/Dec 2018)

5. Title: Traffic Congestion Induced Cost of a Road Section: A Study on Fulbarigate To
Dakbangla Midblock, Khulna.
Published at: Journal of Engineering Science 10(1), 2019, 103-112

6. Publication: “Assessing Social and Environmental Sustainability of Sonadanga Bus Terminal, Khulna”
Published at: 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development
(Paper ID: 4614)

Find out more about her research contribution here.

Short Bio: 

Neeti Zaman Bintee joined the MOMODa Foundation as a Research Associate in September 2022 and currently, she is the project lead of the Startup Dhaka accelerator Project funded by IGC.

Previously, Neeti worked with IPA Bangladesh as a Research Associate focused on the “Impact Evaluation of BYLC’s Creating a Sustainable Future” project with Dr. Mahreen Khan from MIT, funded by the IKEAF Foundation. She has previously worked on a range of IPA Bangladesh projects, including as an implementation Research Associate on the “Mask Effectiveness RCT” project, and earned authorship in the Science journal. Neeti was previously assigned to the World Bank’s “Cash Transfer Modernization” project and managed the workshops of the gazetted officers of the Department of Social Services.

She is a member of the Bangladesh Institute of Planners with experience in ArcGIS software and managing workshops and presenting the RCT design with officers of the Department of Social Services. Neeti is a graduate of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning.

Her interest is related to education and transportation, and she earned authorship in 6 different international publications from the Cowles Foundation of Yale University, Yale School of Management, Science Journal, ICCESD, JES (KUET), and IJCET. She is awarded two Dean’s Awards for her academic excellence from KUET. Also, she achieved several awards related to the Arts and Rubik’s Cube competition from KUET.

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